2/5 A Day
2/5 A Day
2024, watercolor and ink on paper, painted pine frame, plexiglass, 150 x 100 x 7cm
In response to the artist originating from the United States, Italians often ask, “Why would you move here?” In a case of reverse culture shock in returning to visit the United States, there were a myriad of billboards, hidden amongst trees on the side of the highway, public service announcements, reminding the audience to eat their vegetables, which are very often inaccessible, either logistically, price-wise, or due to laws prohibiting foraging.
Despite economic disparity in Italy, people may collect vegetables, that flourish seemingly everywhere in public places (and sometimes private spaces). Italy is one of the world’s
Blue Zone, which have a diet that is attributed to access to fresh fruit and vegetables, a privilege that all Italians may enjoy, regardless of class.
2/5 A Day is a reminder to cherish the abundance we don’t notice around us, inspired by two still-lives of kale that were growing, untended, in the park in which it was displayed. Kale is deemed a “superfood” in the United States, a concept that doesn’t exist in Italy, as there is universal national awareness of the health benefits of a well balanced diet.
Ashes to Ashes to
Ashes to Ashes to
2025, Carbon from California wildfire pines, gouache, ink and watercolor on cotton paper, 56 x 76cm
I would send paintings of dreams I had of David Lynch to his transcendental meditation center, and ask them for a job, despite the fact that I've never meditated. I went to his gallery opening for Squeaky Flies in the Mud, and he walked toward me, extending his hand. I had a painting for him and, starstruck, couldn't respond to his, "Hello, how are you?", and extended it to him, to which he looked very confused, and immediately handed it to whom I assumed to be his assistant.
He is said to have died of emphysema complications, due to evacuating his Los Angeles home in California. I was in Death Valley when my mom called me and told me, "David Lynch died." I continuously saw burnt patches of forests and trees. I felt something inside me, pushing me to collect the remnants of those carbonized pines.

Sedanonno, Sedanonna, Sedanoi, SedaNO
Sedanonno, Sedanonna, Sedanoi, SedaNO
2023, watercolor & acrylic ink on canvas, 150cm x 150cm, 10 x 10cm
I dreamed, celery of mine, that you grew until you filled the whole house! Creating a Punnet Square, this family of celery follows the growth & lightening of genetically modified celery.

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Antinous & Hadrianus, Zeus & Ganymede, and Oscar & Alfred
Antinous & Hadrianus, Zeus & Ganymede, and Oscar & Alfred
2024, watercolor and acrylic ink on canvas, 40 x 20 cm
Antinous & Hadrianus, Zeus & Ganymede, and Oscar & Alfred are are part of a series of couples examining the language we use cross-culturally to describe gay people and how coincidentally, in many languages, it is vegetal.